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“Rumors and Speculations: The Mandalorian Movie and the Possible Return of Großadmiral Thrawn and Cloned Luke Skywalker”

As one of Disney’s three upcoming attempts to bring the Star Wars brand back to the big screen, we’re likely to see a very loose theatrical adaptation of the Thrawn trilogy set in the Mandoverse. These are a series of now-de-canon novels set after the fall of the Empire and the death of Darth Vader. In addition to the title Großadmiral Thrawn could we have another legendary villain get to see.

This is what the new Star Wars movie is all about – rumours, rumours

The Star Wars movie likely slated for 2027, which may hit theaters two years after “episode 10” and possibly heirs to the empire could be called, takes place in the so-called Mandoverse. This term refers to the real series The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Ahsoka and Skeleton Crew on Disney Plus, which are related in terms of time and story.

Similar united as the Avengers, under the presumed leadership of a digitally rejuvenated Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, they will join forces against the legendary, wily Grand Admiral Thrawn, who will make his live-action debut in Star Wars: Ahsoka. But the villain doesn’t seem to be on his own.

Will there be an evil cloned Luke Skywalker in the new movie?

A cloned, evil Luke Skywalker actually came in der Thrawn-Trilogie before. Under the somewhat cringe-sounding name Luuke Skywalker (sic!) he appeared as a puppet of the former, who was also cloned Jedi Master Joruus C’baoth in appearance to fight the real Luke. The evil clone was finally able to of Mara Jadethe future spouse of Luke Skywalker, are struck down.

All well and good, but since the Thrawn trilogy is no longer part of official canon since Disney took over the Star Saga, a must Clone of Luke Skywalker far from being in the realm of possibility. However, there is a clue within the official Star Wars timeline as well on its existence. In the 11th edition of the Darth Vader comics From 2020 the Dark Sith visits the Emperor’s secret stronghold on Exegol. One of the events taking place there clone experiments revolves around one severed handwhich is believed to be Luke Skywalker heard.

2023-05-23 18:02:20
#evil #clone #Luke #Skywalker #cinema #film #Wild #Star #Wars #Theory

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