Lars Gustavsson, who spent many years at DICE and served as creative director on the Battlefield franchise, has now announced a new development studio dedicated to“High quality next generation online shooter”.
Gustavsson, known as TTK Games, will serve as the developer’s CEO and creative director, having founded the studio along with a group of other former DICE veterans. These include Senior Sound Designer Daniel Berlin, CTO and Technical Director Vidar Nygren, and Art Director Peter Hoyles, all co-founders of TTK Games.
Speaking of TTK Games, Gustafson said: “For gamers, the word ‘time to kill’ defines the feel and speed of a shooter. We’ve made it part of our studio name and our studio culture. For us, ‘TTK’ is a Words aren’t just about finding the perfect speed or immediacy of a game and the craftsmanship behind it – it’s about how humans have passed time through games for thousands of years. Throughout my career, I’ve been making games that encourage teamwork, friendly Compete and use your mind and reflexes to achieve your goals and outsmart your opponent. We are passionate about video games because we think there is no better way to pass the time.
The developer has secured significant funding and is now hiring for a range of hybrid and Stockholm roles, as this is where the developer is headquartered.
Besides knowing that the game TTK Games is developing is“High-quality next-generation online shooter”Beyond that, not much is currently known about the title.