New Delhi. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) probing the alleged swindler Sanjay Prakash Rai ‘Sherpuria’ case, arrested in connection with the money laundering probe, has raided a sports-tech start-up company owned by a former NDTV CEO. Earlier this month, the ED allegedly raided the premises of MyySports Pvt Ltd in Delhi NCR and froze fixed deposits of over Rs 4.6 crore, according to a report in ‘Indian Express’. The founder and manager of this company is Sourav Banerjee, former CEO and CFO of NDTV Group. It is being told that the ED is probing this company for allegedly parking Sherpuria’s funds.
Sherpuria was arrested late last month by the Special Task Force of the Uttar Pradesh Police for allegedly fraudulently entering the Prime Minister’s Office and ‘misusing’ the PM’s name for personal gains.
Tags: Enforcement directorate, Money Laundering, Money Laundering Case
FIRST PUBLISHED : May 23, 2023, 09:39 AM IST