The Dresden Monarchs got off to a great start in the new German Football League season and won 59-6 away. The home game start is also a special one.
Dresden. The Dresden Monarchs got off to a great start in the new season in the German Football League (GFL). On Sunday afternoon they didn’t give the Marburg Mercenaries a chance and clearly triumphed in the rare duel away from home in Hesse with 59:6 (14:0, 21:0, 10:0, 14:6). Both the passing and the running game of the offensive worked excellently in competitive game one under the leadership of new quarterback Steven Duncan. The most diligent point collector was wide receiver Austin Mitchell, who scored four touchdowns.
2023-05-21 21:05:52
#Dresden #Monarchs #dismantle #Marburg #Mercenaries