Bengaluru: An 18-year-old girl died after a fire broke out while she was using her mobile phone at a petrol pump. The incident took place in Tumkur district of Karnataka. Bhavya died after being burnt while filling a plastic can with petrol. The CCTV footage of the incident is already widely circulating on social media.
On Wednesday, Bhavya and her mother Ratnamma (46) came to buy petrol on a two-wheeler. In the CCTV footage of the incident, it is clear that Bhavya is sitting on a motorbike and her mother is standing nearby. Bhavya is also seen using a mobile phone while the petrol pump attendant is filling petrol in a plastic can. Meanwhile, the fire suddenly broke out.
It is suggested that the mobile phone caught fire. Bhavya succumbed to her injuries on Friday while undergoing treatment at the Victoria Hospital in Bengaluru. Mother Ratnamma was badly burned but survived. The Badavanahalli police have started an investigation into the incident.
English Summary: Woman killed as mobile phone leads to fire at petrol pump in Karnataka’s Tumakuru
2023-05-20 17:13:10
#Mobile #phone #refueling #pump #woman #died #fire