Zurich (dpa / lsw) – In a few days, the oversized titanium arum will bloom again in the botanical garden of the University of Zurich. According to a post on Facebook, the Botanical Garden assumes that it could be ready at the weekend at the earliest. The last time the foul-smelling plant was in full bloom there was in 2019.
On Wednesday, the Titan Arum was 110 centimeters tall, while on Monday it was 97 centimeters tall, according to the Botanical Garden’s website. It is said to be the largest flower in the world. When the plant – whose Latin name is Amorphophallus titanum – unfolds its flowers, it gives off the smell of carrion.
It was a small miracle that the beastly smelling plant flowered at all four years ago. Ten years earlier, the plant had been almost destroyed by a school class, as the botanical garden announced on its Facebook profile in 2019. Nevertheless, the gardener managed to grow an inflorescence for the first time ever at the Zurich Botanical Garden.
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2023-05-18 09:13:39
#Giant #stinkflower #titan #arum #blooms #Zurich #weekend