Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – A suspected credit card fraudster caught the federal police during a stopover at Frankfurt Airport. The man is said to have defrauded airlines of several thousand euros with fake credit cards between 2004 and 2005, as the federal police announced on Wednesday.
The man was on his way from Toronto to Kinshasa when officers caught him on Tuesday. The public prosecutor’s office at the Frankfurt district court had been looking for the 58-year-old since December 2005 with an arrest warrant. He is said to have been in Germany with an accomplice as a tourist.
According to previous investigations, the two men used counterfeit checks and credit cards to book flights and make inflight purchases. When the second perpetrator was arrested, the police reportedly found counterfeit checks for a total of 2.8 million euros. Although the act would actually have been statute-barred, according to the Criminal Code, a statute of limitations is suspended if the delinquent evades criminal prosecution by going abroad, explained a spokesman for the Federal Police.
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2023-05-17 07:59:41
#Alleged #credit #card #fraudster #arrested #Frankfurt