Thank God, Pertamina’s fuel prices have fallen throughout Indonesia, these are Central Java & West Java prices as of May 15, 2023
TRIBUNJATENG.COM-Following are Pertamina’s latest fuel prices as of Monday 15 May 2023 in Central Java (Central Java) and West Java (West Java).
Pertamina through the official website My Pertamina uploaded the latest fuel prices as of Monday 1 May 2023.
Non-subsidized fuel underwent a number of price adjustments, especially for the Deexlite CN 51 and Pertamina Dex CN 53 types.
Irto Ginting as the Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina revealed that a number of fuel prices had price adjustments according to what had been uploaded on the official website
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For the Dexlite fuel type, the price has decreased from Rp. 14,250 to Rp. 14,850, now it has fallen to Rp. 12,400 to Rp. 13,950 per liter.
Not only that, for the Pertamina Dex fuel type, which originally had a price of IDR 15,400 to IDR 16,000 per liter, the price has now decreased to IDR 13,800.
Likewise with Pertamax Turbo fuel, which has decreased by Rp. 100 per liter in a number of areas.
The fuel price adjustment as of 1 May 2023 refers to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as an amendment to Ministerial Decree Number 62 K/12/MEM/2020 concerning Basic Price Formulas in Calculating Retail Selling Prices Types of BBM General Types of Gasoline and Diesel Oil Distributed Through Gas Stations.
The following is the latest fuel price update throughout Indonesia:
1. Aceh Province
Pertalite Price: IDR 10,000
Pertamax price: IDR 13,300
Pertamax Turbo Price: IDR 15,000
Source: Central Java Tribune
2023-05-15 14:08:01
#God #Pertaminas #fuel #prices #fallen #Indonesia #Central #Java #West #Java #prices