Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara, former minister and president of the National Assembly, proceeded to the dedication of his two works: critical moment et advocacy for the state, on Wednesday May 09, 2023 in Bobo-Dioulasso. It was at the house of culture Anselme Titianma Sanon
After Ouagadougou, it was the turn of the populations of the city of Bobo-Dioulasso to get to know the two works of Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara, namely: critical moment et Advocacy for the state published respectively in December 2022 and April 2023, i.e. within an interval of four months. Facing the Bobolais public today in the company of his publisher Thierry Millogo, Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara, author of the works, affirms that he does not want to behave as a lesson giver, but rather wants through his writing and experience to leave a legacy to the younger generation.
“Through the two books Moment critique (which is an autobiographical work) and Plea for the State (which consists of launching an appeal for mobilization around the State), I am launching an appeal for peace, harmony as well as ‘at work. But also a call for citizen engagement so that our country can really move forward. I propose these two works which are avenues for reflection and which have nothing to do with pretension or calculation, but a duty to leave a legacy to youth. left the author Soungalo Appolinaire Ouattara while welcoming the presence of the authorities at the dedication ceremony, in particular that of the Minister of State, Minister of Public Service, Labor and Social Protection, Bassolma Bazié and his friends present at the dedication ceremony.
“Right words so as not to titillate”
For the Minister of State Bassolma Bazié, the author is to be congratulated for the quality of his writings. “After going through the two books which are complementary on the one hand and on the other, the author’s ability to get his message across through the right words that do not titillate is very wise. Writing is not easy, because it sets milestones for future generations. Today, we have predecessors who write to allow us to have benchmarks, this is really to be welcomed”, he will declare.
The teacher-researchers of the Nazi University Boni Issa Yonli, Oumar Cissé, Missa Millogo, the publisher Thierry Millogo, Mountamou Kani Director of publication of L’Express du Faso as well as Mgr Amselme Titianma Sanon took turns appreciating the works of the author who were the subject of dedication. According to them, the works in addition to dealing with social issues, also deal with the refoundation of the State
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