Sunday 14/May/2023 – 10:27 PM
Lots of infected During the exam season, students suffer from some psychological disorders, including exam phobia, which is a state of psychological nerve that some students, especially those in adolescence, are exposed to, due to their exposure to severe pressure, which causes them to suffer from a state of anxiety. Fear and panic during this period.
Dr. Jamal Froiz noted Consultant Psychiatristto Cairo 24, that exam phobia is a neurological condition that includes anxiety disorder, to which some students are exposed by losing focus and answering questions incorrectly, as a result of their fear of failure or anxiety about the exam.
Causes of exam phobia
Froiz continued: People are always exposed to stressful life situations, and this is what causes them to develop phobias of all kinds and according to the causes and type of stressors. Among the most prominent causes are genetic defects and parenting errors that children are exposed to by parents.
The consultant psychiatrist added: In many cases, the parents blame the children a lot, and they usually expose them to comparisons with others, and reduce their self-confidence, in addition to their exposure to life pressures, which makes them develop phobia during the examination period.
Treatment modalities and the role of parents
Froiz explained: some methods of treating exam phobia, which include behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and drug therapy, in addition to the role of parents, saying: parents must follow sound education methods and not expose them to fear and terror and put them in stressful situations, especially during the exam period, and know that it is normal for them to Parents are exposed to this disorder during that period, as a result of their fear of achievement, and their keenness to enhance their self-confidence and support them in studying and studying, and not exposing them to blame and criticism.
2023-05-14 19:29:47
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