Bollywood director Hansal Mehta trolled BJP IT cell convener Amit Malviya who shared the information about the municipal elections in UP while the historic victory of Congress in Karnataka was celebrated and discussed everywhere. Hansal Mehta congratulated Amit Malviya by re-tweeting the tweet that BJP won big in the municipal elections in Uttar Pradesh. Amit Malviya’s tweet said that BJP is leading in 16 out of 17 corporation seats in UP. Hansal Mehta retweeted this and said ‘Congratulations to Karnataka’. Under Hansal Mehta’s tweet, many people have mocked the BJP leader. Someone commented below Hansal’s post saying to be safe and ED and CBI might come.
National award winner Hansal Mehta has scripted and directed notable films in Bollywood. Shahid is the director of Aligarh, Omerta and City Lights.
Congress has won 137 seats out of 224 in Karnataka, tied with BJP. 113 seats are required for an absolute majority and the Congress has made a great comeback with a great victory. The BJP slipped to a mere 64 seats, while HD Kumaraswamy-led JD(S) won 20 seats and others four.
The election results also prove that all the big campaigns and rallies conducted by Modi directly in the state have failed completely. BJP’s Modi factor has completely collapsed in Karnataka. Despite organizing massive events including 33 rallies and 28 road shows, it did not make any difference.
Of these, 13 public meetings and two massive road shows were held by Modi just ten days before the elections. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s presence was a relief for the BJP, which was in a defensive hole in many ways. However, it is interesting to note that the Congress was able to win well even in the Bengaluru region, where there was a huge presence of people in this road show.