Alpár Gyopáros, in connection with the handover of the renovation of the local mayor’s office jointly financed from the Hungarian village program (MFP) and the resources of the Regional and Urban Development Operative Program Plusz (TOP Plusz), called it exemplary that the energetic modernization of the office could be completed simultaneously by connecting the two programs, and the renovation of the entire building.
The government commissioner told MTI
which cannot be financed from European Union funds, can easily be supplemented from the funds of the Hungarian village program.
He indicated: since the start of the Hungarian village program in 2019, more than HUF 1,000 billion have been spent on the development of small settlements.
Municipal, church and civil community spaces have been renovated, financed from the domestic budget, a thousand kilometers of side roads are renovated every year, and more than HUF 200 billion have already been paid out in the framework of the village tax, he added.
Mayor Sándor Szitó (independent) highlighted: the building of the mayor’s office was renovated with a HUF 25 million grant from the MFP, and more than HUF 80 million won in the framework of the TOP Plusz program were used for energy modernization of the building.
István Vitányi (Fidesz), the parliamentary representative of the region, said that together with the 90 million HUF renovation of the local railway station, around 200 million HUF of development took place in the Hajdú-Bihar settlement.
The politician also pointed out that there is almost no settlement in his constituency where some kind of investment has not been made. He also said that the electrification of the railway line between Püspökladány and Biharkeresztes will be completed this year with an investment of about HUF 60 billion.
Zoltán Pajna (Fidesz-KDNP), the president of the Hajdú-Bihar Assembly, indicated that the Biharnagybajom is the first completed investment in the county, which was implemented using TOP Plusz funds.
He noted, however, that
since an agreement on financing has not yet been reached with Brussels, the Hungarian government has advanced their financing from domestic sources.
He added: so far HUF 751 billion in development funds have been contracted nationally, of which HUF 58 billion in Hajdú-Bihar. Applicants can use HUF 4.6 billion of the latter for energy investments.