Home » News » Chancellor Olaf Scholz Supports SPD’s Mayor Bovenschulte Ahead of Bremen State Elections.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz Supports SPD’s Mayor Bovenschulte Ahead of Bremen State Elections.

Bremen (dpa) – Two days before the state elections in Bremen, Chancellor Olaf Scholz comes to the Hanseatic city to support the SPD mayor Andreas Bovenschulte. In addition to the Chancellor, the SPD chairmen Saskia Esken and Lars Klingbeil will also speak on the market square today (3.30 p.m.). Another guest is Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD). At the end of the FDP election campaign, the deputy federal chairmen Wolfgang Kubicki and Johannes Vogel will come to Bremen (7 p.m.).

On Sunday (May 14th) the parliament of the smallest federal state, the Bremen Parliament, will be re-elected. So far, Bovenschulte has led a coalition of SPD, Greens and Left Party that is unique in West Germany. Polls before the election saw the long-term governing party SPD slightly ahead of the CDU with challenger Frank Imhoff. The Christian Democrats had become the strongest force in Bremen for the first time in 2019, but came away empty-handed when the government was formed.

Because the quarreling AfD has blocked participation in the election, the right-wing populist voters’ association Bürger in Wut (BiW) could move into the parliamentary group for the first time.

2023-05-12 03:43:39
#Scholz #speaks #market #square #Radio #Nordseewelle

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