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“Artificial Intelligence: The Key to Profit Online – Insights from Moroccan Businessman and Content Creator Adnan”

Adnan: Artificial intelligence helped complete tasks via the Internet by 90%

An important role to play artificial intelligence Over the past months, especially since it has reserved an important seat for itself on social media platforms, which prompted content makers to include it in their tools in producing whatever they want, and most importantly profiting from their content using smart technologies that have become an essential and integral part of their tasks recently.

In addition, “Akhbar Al-Aan” interviewed the Moroccan businessman and content creator Adnanon this topic, to learn about ways to profit online through artificial intelligence, and what are the steps that must be followed by anyone who wants to launch content through social networking sites.

Technological revolution facilitates profit

In this context, Adnan said: “In the year 2022, we heard a lot about artificial intelligence and it was a revolution in the world of technology, specifically the (GBT chat) program, as I logged on to YouTube and social media platforms to learn more about this program that changed the concept of intelligence.” dramatically and radically artificial.”

He added, “I did a lot of research to find out how I can make money online using artificial intelligence, and I found many ways in this direction.”

Adnan enumerated these methods within several steps, and said: “The first of these is Print On Demand, which is when a person makes a comprehensive design after choosing the colors and description for it, as well as the price, and then uploads it to many electronic platforms, including Amazon, and after that The platform prints the design on many products, such as clothes, with the designer getting a percentage of the profit when the design is sold.”

Adnan also explained that: “The second proposal may be the creation and design of websites, as well as the possibility of writing texts to create content on YouTube.”

Profit from the Internet.. A content maker reveals to Akhbar Al-Aan the importance of artificial intelligence to achieve it

How do we win using artificial intelligence?

With regard to the quality of content that Adnan focuses on, he said: “I am interested in everything related to entrepreneurship, and the search for ways to profit from the virtual world or the world of the Internet, as it reaps great demand and helps many young people to obtain money.”

He pointed out, “Many young people are succeeding in this field, but the matter requires the continuation of the work and its continuity.”

Adnan added, “Artificial intelligence has greatly facilitated the process of developing this type of content, especially after the emergence of a program such as (GBT Chat), where I can ask it to give me 10 ideas, for example, on how to profit from a platform such as Amazon.”

And the Moroccan content maker indicated that he had carried out this experiment and had already asked (ChatGBT), who presented him with proposals that included making blogs, adding: “The issue has become much easier than it was in the past.”

Profit from the Internet.. A content maker reveals to Akhbar Al-Aan the importance of artificial intelligence to achieve it

Correcting artificial intelligence errors

As for following up on technological development in order to develop content through social media, Adnan said: “We must keep pace with technology and not ignore it completely, but we must bear in mind that artificial intelligence is already advanced, but it makes mistakes sometimes, and therefore we have to use our minds well and analyze with the accuracy of the results of artificial intelligence, provided that we make adjustments in the event of any error.

In this regard, Adnan stressed that: “Artificial intelligence helped us accomplish our tasks via the Internet by 90%.”

Advice for young people

On this subject, the Moroccan businessman and content maker Adnan gave many tips that young people should follow in order to obtain money from the Internet using artificial intelligence, during his interview with “Akhbar Al-Aan”, and he said: “The first thing is to use the (GBT chat) program. ) as one of the best platforms for artificial intelligence that can be exploited for this purpose.

He pointed out, “Anyone can open an account on (GBT Chat), either for a fee or for free.”

And he continued the step, saying: “A person can ask (GBT Chat), how did he become a content creator ?, and he will suggest many ideas to you, and you can have a conversation with this program in this context.”

He added, “The most important thing is that the person implements the proposals that are reviewed by (Chat GBT), which helps the person know how to start, continue and develop.”

Finally, Adnan indicated that Twitter is one of the best platforms through which you can learn about the latest developments in artificial intelligence, where discussions can be opened about the developments of this type of technology, as he said: “The YouTube platform also provides several solutions if you write And I asked about ways to profit from the Internet using artificial intelligence,” pointing out that YouTube provides users and content makers with the latest videos that talked about what they are looking for, which keeps pace with development greatly and informs the person of developments directly.

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