Human Rights Watch, the international observatory of attacks against Human Rights, considers that the arbitrary arrests of peaceful demonstrators in favor of the Republic and against the Monarchy on the day of the coronation of Carlos III, are “something you would expect in Moscow, not in London”. Amnesty International, for its part, joined the condemnation of the police action, since “it further undermines respect for the basic rights and freedoms” of people. And it is that, in fact, despite the waste of gold, period costumes, absurd carriages, trumpet blasts and military parades, the most striking was this outrage against freedom in the country that was reputed to be the most democratic, executed by some policemen who in They did not remind anything of those who traditionally watched over it precisely for citizen freedom.
A few hours before the start of the lavish 100 million pound smackdown, six Republican protesters were arrested without any explanation as they prepared their T-shirts, their flags and their banners, which read: “He is not my king.” This must have been the flagrant crime that decided the Police to forcefully apply the Anti-Protest Laws recently decreed by the Conservative Government, a copy of the Spanish Gag Law created in Rajoy’s time to repress dissent. Dissent from that irrational institution, from the proclamation of a king who is also the head of the Anglican Church and therefore something of a vicar of God, is something that kingdom can no longer tolerate.
In Hyde Park, forever, anyone could get on a bench, and from there not only express their opinions to those who wanted to hear them, but even launch the most ferocious and incendiary proclamations. That was called freedom of speech in London, and London was proud of it, but last Saturday the foggy city lost its pride, as soon as its Police first arrested those six citizens, and, in the course of the delirious function, another fifty-two.
It is something, certainly, that you would expect in Moscow, not in London, and after this you can already expect in London, in the London of Brexit, of imperial nostalgia and growing inequalities, anything. Glasgow, however, retained its pride, and tens of thousands of anti-dynastic Scots took to the streets, to their streets, which refuse to be those of Moscow.
2023-05-09 09:14:23
#Rafael #Torres #London #Moscow