Sites for holding festive events on May 9 were taken under control, they will be examined by sapper-pyrotechnic groups, according to Telegram channel MIA. Checkpoints will be installed at the entrance, as well as evacuation exits.
The department reminds that it will be possible to enter the sites only after a personal search, employees will pay special attention to inspecting things. Prohibited items will be indicated on the information boards, which will be placed at each checkpoint. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, pregnant women and women with small children will pass through separate entrances. Drunk people will not be allowed into the festival venues.
Motorists are warned by the department about traffic restrictions near the venues of festive events. They are advised to choose detour routes in advance.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs also called upon the discovery of ownerless things or the meeting of suspicious people to promptly report to the number 102 or the nearest police line.