for May 5. there were some200 people on the premises whenare under investigation. hecongestion charge plan,that they would charge thedrivers to enterareas with the highest traffic congestiontraffic in new cityyork, it was aboutcome true, whathas not been welcomed byall. we have the controversyof the theme.Marisol lives in New Jersey andworks in new york, whatit can cost you $23 dailyadditional.You have to pay for gasolinecar parking, it’s like $60that one pays for six to eighthours, it’s like $100 a day.your concern is becauseadvanced rate plan forcongestion, that seeks to chargedrivers a tollpossibly up to $23 aenter new york frommidtown to districtfinancial.I’m super surprised, thetruth, I did not know how to be ifthey increase something, they raise onesalary.preliminarily approved theplan after reviewing yourimpact. his goal would bethe transportation systempublic, which can decreasewaiting for better and is morequick, one gets home earlier.Doesn’t this currently happen?no, a lot of traffic.Not everyone paid the tollvehicles are exempt fromauthorized emergency, therelike the vehicles thattransport people withdisabilities. the governorof New Jersey warned thatwill harm the residentscan be approved and apossible implementation would benext year.
2023-05-05 07:00:00
#Fees #entering #congested #traffic #zones #plan #generates #controversy #York #City