AOn Thursday, Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) will announce from far away Japan what the federal, state and local governments can expect in terms of tax revenue up to the year 2028. Most recently, 993 billion euros were forecast for the next year, of which 390 billion euros are attributable to the federal government. After the federal government assesses the prospects for the German economy as somewhat brighter, the trillion mark could be reached as early as next year.
That was last predicted for 2025. Because the Federal Minister of Finance will be in Niigata at the end of the week to meet his counterparts from the group of the seven most important industrialized countries, Lindner will only be able to be seen virtually at home – at the usual time in the afternoon (in Japan it is then 10 p.m.).
2023-05-08 05:48:27
#trillion #taxes #traffic #light #blocks