At the Society, Rey thanks Victoria and Nick for joining him. Too bad Victor isn’t here. Rey would like to know if the security team at Newman Tower found anything. What is he talking about? He learned that a family member had been threatened, and then we found the plans for the tower on Adam’s computer. Who taught Rey that? Paul, who in turn spoke to Victor about it. This one just happens. Rey thought the rest of the family knew. No, Victoria replies, it’s the first time they’ve heard that. Nick turns to Victor, how could he hide that from them?
At home, Adam calls Chelsea hoping that she agrees to come and see him to talk. She could even stay for dinner, Adam has a lot of things to tell her. He knows that Chelsea is angry and doesn’t trust him yet, maybe she even wants to drop their relationship. But Adam would like to speak to her openly. If Chelsea still want to get away from him, he won’t say anything. For Connor, does Chelsea agree to give him one last chance? She needs to think about it. …
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2023-05-08 04:08:47
#Fires #Love #episode #broadcast #Rts #Switzerland #SoapPassion #summaries