Home » Entertainment » “Paula Barale opens up about early menopause, libido and more in new book ‘It’s Not the End of the World'”

“Paula Barale opens up about early menopause, libido and more in new book ‘It’s Not the End of the World'”

Paula Barale was a guest in the living room of Silvia Toffani. A very true the showgirl presented her new book entitled “It’s Not the End of the World (which will be published on May 23) in which she tells her story and various episodes of her life that have changed her. Paola talked about the early menopause that she was diagnosed with, the drop in libido that she sometimes hears and about the abortion she performed many years ago.

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Paula Barale she told herself with an open heart to Silvia Toffani: «Writing this book did me a lot of good, I realized that I thought I had definitively archived some situations in my life which, however, I hadn’t resolved yet. In my book I told about when I was diagnosed with early menopause and at the beginning it was a real shock for me, even if then, I learned to live with it and I no longer made a problem of it. Sometimes it happens that there is no more libido that was there before, however, I must say that there are also some methods to awaken it. For example, I take supplements that help me to be more present even in that part of my life and I always make this comparison: if a person can’t see, it’s not that he doesn’t want to look anymore ».

The answer to Gianni Sperti

Silvia Toffani he asked Paula Barale what did he think of the interview given by Gianni Sperti last week at very true and she replied: “I don’t want to add too much because I think it speaks for itself and I don’t even want to talk about the past anymore, since these things happened more than 22 years ago”.

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2023-05-07 15:55:04
#Paola #Barale #Verissimo #Libido #due #menopause #wake #this.. #dig #Gianni #Sperti

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