GridPop.ID – Frequent smoking can cause teeth to turn yellow.
There are ways to deal with yellow teeth due to frequent smoking.
The good news is, how to deal with yellow teeth due to frequent smoking can use simple and inexpensive ingredients.
Launching the page, there are several natural ingredients that can whiten yellow teeth due to frequent smoking.
These ingredients range from baking soda to some fruit peels.
1. Banana peel
Banana peels can help keep your teeth away from microbes so it will keep your mouth healthy.
With magnesium and potassium content, banana peels will help whiten teeth.
Rub the inside of the banana peel all over your teeth for a few minutes.
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After that leave it for 10 minutes. And brush your teeth as you can, then rinse your mouth with water.
2. Orange peel
2023-05-07 00:15:00
#Overcome #Yellow #Teeth #Due #Frequent #Smoking #Banana #Skins #Heres #explanation