In an exclusive interview with NDTV, Sharad Pawar, the chief of the Nationalist Congress Party, explained why he withdrew his resignation from the NCP President’s post. Despite having made a programme to leave the post and campaign for the party the next day, he could not convince his colleagues and had to respect their wishes. Pawar founded the NCP in 1999 after breaking away from the Congress and stunned his party by announcing his decision to resign as its president on Tuesday. Ajit Pawar, his political heir, was the only one to accept the decision and talk about the future. Sharad Pawar denied speculation about Ajit Pawar making moves to ally with the BJP and indicated that he will work to bring together like-minded parties ahead of the national election in 2024. This article provides an insight into the reasons behind Sharad Pawar’s decision to withdraw his resignation, his thoughts on Ajit Pawar and the future plans for the NCP.
“Sharad Pawar explains his decision to withdraw resignation as NCP chief”
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