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“Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Reveals Secret Stage Entrance Strategy”

Taylor Swift has returned through the front door: after five years without offering any concert la from Tennessee returned to a stage on March 17, beginning what is undoubtedly the most important tour of his career, The Eras Tourwhich in the last three weeks has begun touring the different stadiums in the country.

Since then we have been able to see her hang the “sold out” sign in spaces set up for more than 70,000 people per night. Quite a feat at the height of my few who have allowed him to build a show of more than three hours and 44 songs, with more than 10 costume changes and surprise songs at each concert of the tour.

However, one of the unknowns surrounding The Eras Tour has been revealed in the last few hours, when one of the attendees at his last concert in Arlington (Texas) captured the moment in which Taylor Swift came out of a cleaning cart that minutes before arrived on stage, moving the singer without being seen by the public.

A theory around which speculation began during the first nights of the show but which until a few hours ago had not been confirmed, with a video that has spread like wildfire on social networks and has been shared by hundreds of fan accounts of the singerlike Taylor Swift Spain (@taylorswiftes_) or La Tia Puercaylor (@LaPuercaylor) among many others.

The reactions have not been long in coming, celebrating the investigative facet of the swifties, but there are those who have pulled the reel to remember that It is not the first time that Taylor Swift uses this type of strategy to be present without being seen.

In 2016, the year in which he disappeared from the public spotlight after the controversy with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, strange images were captured from his apartment in New York: a black box long enough to hide a person was carried by two men to the vehicle that, according to the theories, he was in charge of taking her to the studio where she would record Reputation without taking a single photograph.

Beyond the techniques that Taylor Swift uses to move, what we are clear about is that, even with more than 16 years of experience in the music industry, he remains in one of the best moments of his career and is an example to follow for millions of people and singers around the world.

And you, what do you think of this strategy? Will the singer change it so as not to raise suspicions in the next concerts? We will know soon.

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