Amber Heard, the 37-year-old actress, has reportedly left Hollywood after her high-profile defamation dispute with ex-husband Johnny Depp. According to Daily Mail, Heard has quietly relocated to Spain with her two-year-old daughter, Oonagh, to focus on raising her bilingual daughter away from all the noise. Sources claim that Heard is not in a hurry to return to work or Hollywood, but will probably come back when the time is right for the right project. Heard had a couple of acting roles before quitting Hollywood, including Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, to be released in December, and thriller film In The Fire, which came out last year. After a six-week long trial between the former couple, Depp was awarded more than US$10 million in damages, while Heard only received US$2 million in a countersuit. The heavily covered defamation trial was over an op-ed the actress wrote in 2018 about being a victim of domestic violence. Heard also sold her home in Yucca Valley, California, in July last year and has moved permanently to a new home outside of Madrid.
“Amber Heard quits Hollywood after defamation trial with Johnny Depp: Report”
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