The liberation festival in Groningen has been evacuated due to a heavy thunderstorm. The festivals in Assen and Zwolle have been shut down for the same reason. The program has now been resumed in the city of Overijssel.
The fire brigade in Groningen warns of “extremely bad weather” that is moving towards the province. The heavy showers are moving across the country. The program has been halted and the field is currently empty, organizer Ebel Jan van Dijk said. Performances will resume as soon as weather permits.
The liberation festival in Zwolle has been temporarily halted due to the bad weather conditions. After ten to fifteen minutes the program could be resumed. A spokesperson explains that a lot of rain fell in a short time and there were also strong gusts of wind.
An hour earlier, the Liberation Fire was lit there by Prime Minister Mark Rutte and singer Froukje. This was the official start of all liberation festivals in the Netherlands.
The festival in Assen was initially not completely shut down. The organization did ask new visitors to wait at home again. But now all festival visitors are asked to go home.
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2023-05-05 12:44:31
#Liberation #festivals #evacuated #shut #due #thunderstorm #Music