The upcoming addition to the vivo X90 family is set to feature the Dimensity 9200+ chipset, as reported by Chinese leakster Digital Chat Station. With a 3.35 GHz CPU and Wi-Fi 7 support, the vivo X90S is expected to have minimal hardware upgrades besides the new SoC. However, it will maintain its 6.78″ OLED display with curved edges and 1260p resolution, provided by BOE. The 50MP Sony IMX866 sensor main camera and 120W charging speed will also remain unchanged. The shift to the Dimensity 9300 chipset will occur with the vivo X100 series arriving in November 2023. The X90’s battery capacity was 4,810 mAh, but it remains to be seen if the vivo X90S will follow the trend of its predecessor, the vivo X60s, by having a larger battery. Get the full scoop via Seekdevice.
“Vivo X90S with Dimensity 9200+ Chipset: Specifications and Features Revealed”
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