Two boys (16 and 17) and a woman (19) from Eindhoven were arrested because they stole a safe full of jewelry from an 86-year-old woman from Sprundel. They also stole more than ten thousand euros. One of the boys pretended to be a bank employee.
Last Friday around five o’clock in the afternoon, the boy rang the woman’s doorbell. He said he worked for the bank and was a friend of her son.
Waste container
He claimed that he had arranged with her son to collect some valuables from her. He also asked her for her debit card and PIN.
The woman trusted the boy. He emptied a safe with more than ten thousand euros and jewelry. Another safe was so heavy he couldn’t carry it. He placed the safe on top of a dumpster and rolled it to his car.
Neighbors call police
Observant neighbors saw this happen and wrote down the license plate of the car. They called the police and the same evening officers saw the car driving.
In the car were two boys aged 16 and 17. The driver was 19 years old. Debuit was still in the car. The suspects have been arrested and the woman has now recovered her valuables and money.
2023-05-04 16:08:02
#Young #people #steal #safe #full #jewelry #cash #86yearold #woman