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“Edouard reveals insider information on Enya’s return to L’île de l’amour”

We had the chance to speak with the ex-islander of the island of love Edouard and during this moment, he took the opportunity to reveal a good one to us!

In fact, during the interview, we came back to a highlight of the show, that is to say the moment when Kevin revealed thatEnya told her that she would return, as soon as she returned to normal life, riding a motorcycle with a guy she was seeing before the adventure.

This is what prompted Edouard to tell us about his relationship with the islander!

HollywoodPQ: “Enya told Kevin that she intended to see an ex-attendance again to go for a ride on her motorcycle, what do you think of this situation?”

Edouard: “Uh… did you happen when we were there?”

HPQ: «Oui!»

Edouard: “I was never made aware of that (…) Me, Enya, I knew that she would return to the show (…) and I knew that Enya was very on and off with one of her exes (…) she reassured me about that, I back with the guys (…) So I would be very, very, very disappointed if that was something she was planning on doing… seeing her exes again on her way out! (…)”

HPQ: “You told me that you knew she was entering the adventure, why were you aware of that?”

Edouard: “(…) one of my friends found herself in the same Zoomduring the auditions, that she (…) I did not know 100% that she would be on the show (…) given that she date one of my buddies also in the past, I knew who it was. She, she didn’t know who I was (…) I went there stalker on instagram… i was like: Honestly, she’s the perfect girl for the show! So, I was very, very surprised not to see her on the mat and when we got the text that came from an Enya, I knew it was her (…)”

Like what, you have to believe that the world is small…

2023-05-04 10:46:55
#Island #Love #Edward #knew #Enya #enter #adventure #Hollywoodpq.com

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