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“Itzehoe Eagles’ Future in Bundesliga Basketball Uncertain: Sorge um die Bundesliga”


Written by BARMER Liga on . Posted in ProB Team.

The Itzehoe Eagles’ season has been very successful, and it’s not over yet. There are many reasons for a good mood – but those responsible are tense. Club chairman Volker Hambrock explains why the future in the BARMER 2nd Basketball Bundesliga is currently not secured.

The second division season is coming to an end. How is the balance sheet?

Regardless of whether we reach the semi-finals in Wolmirstedt or not: our managing director Jakob Kunert, coach Timo Völkerink and the whole team have achieved great things. We started the season with a very small budget and a young team, and our initial goal was to have nothing to do with relegation as quickly as possible. That was successful, then it was about making the playoffs – that was also successful. Also very important: The identification with the Eagles is very strong again, as the atmosphere in the hall, which is always full, proves. We are also very happy about the development of the association with many successes and the strong growth in the children’s area.

So everything fine?

Unfortunately not. At the moment we are at a crossroads as far as the future of Bundesliga basketball in Itzehoe is concerned. The previous season in the ProA put a lot of strain on us, and now the budget for this season, which is already very tight, is losing a considerable amount of sponsorship income. We have applied for the license for the ProB, but we still have to decide whether we can take responsibility for maintaining it. The deadline for this is May 10th.

What is being done?

We hold a lot of talks with existing and also potential new partners. They’re consistently pleasant conversations because the Eagles’ appeal and importance to the region is now well known. In the end, however, only concrete commitments and numbers will help us at the moment.

What does this situation mean in terms of personnel?

Jakob Kunert will hand over the management of Eagles Management GmbH Itzehoe. It’s a huge loss, he did an outstanding job with enormous commitment. We will not be able to install a new full-time managing director for the time being. So we will have to do the many tasks, from administrative work to social media to looking after the second division team, largely on a voluntary basis. We have a great group of volunteers, but newcomers are always welcome in the Eagles family. We have a lot of positive signals from the ProB team regarding the new season. But of course we have to create the basis for this.

Should we be concerned about the Eagles as a whole?

No way. We will continue to push the great development of the club with all our might, although we also act sparingly there and have to accept departures in the coaching area, above all Kim Lebowski and Thorben Haake. In any case, the club and the GmbH with the second division team are inseparable: This is the locomotive that pulls the whole train, also and especially in youth work, in which the professionals are involved. Whether that would work the same way with a regional league team is questionable. That’s why we’re going public now, we don’t want someone to say later: “If we had known that.” And we don’t want to have to blame ourselves for not trying everything.

So what is the wish?

The Eagles are not only a nationwide flagship for the city and the region, they also simply make them more attractive with their home games and the many other events and activities. We offer our partners a platform to make the company, its products and needs better known in a variety of ways. In our conversations, we notice again and again that this value is very well recognized. However, for our project we need broad support from the region and, right now, at least concrete positive signals that offer us secure future prospects. We still have a lot to do.

Information at marketing@eagles-basketball.de.

2023-05-04 03:54:25
#Concern #Bundesliga #Itzehoe #Eagles #Basketball

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