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“Indigenous Village Chiefs in Suriname Issue Ultimatum to Surinamese Government”

Image (c) Association of Indigenous Village Chiefs in Suriname (VIDS)

The Association of Indigenous Village Heads in Suriname (VIDS) has issued an ultimatum to the Surinamese government. All lands and concessions within the residential and habitat of Pikin Saron in Para must be withdrawn before Friday.

Muriël Fernandes, chairman of VIDS, announced this today in a meeting with residents of Pikin Saron. Last night, the traditional body of indigenous authorities had a meeting with ministers Kenneth Amoksi (Juspol), Albert Ramdin (BIBIS), Krishna Mathoera (Defense) and Dinotha Vorswijk (GBB), among others.

VIDS does not want residents of Pikin Saron to feel abandoned. That is why the board of the traditional body of Indigenous authorities and other village chiefs visited the village in question today.

Muriël Fernandes, chairman of VIDS and the other captains have asked the community to keep a cool head. It is also regretted that two people from the Indigenous community lost their lives. VIDS has demanded from the government an independent investigation into the two deaths and that the next of kin receive financial assistance to bury the people.

Furthermore, VIDS has ensured that a person who took action yesterday in Pikin Saron and has been taken into custody by the police, receives legal assistance.

2023-05-03 20:35:03
#VIDS #issues #ultimatum #withdraw #concessions #Friday #Waterkant

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