Home » News » Remembering Prof. Veselin Kmetov: A Sudden Loss for Plovdiv University’s Faculty of Chemistry

Remembering Prof. Veselin Kmetov: A Sudden Loss for Plovdiv University’s Faculty of Chemistry

Our loss is huge, as if someone stole him from us, wrote the mourners.

He died suddenly on May 1 Prof. Veselin Kmetovdean of Faculty of Chemistry of Plovdiv University “Paisiy Hilendarski”. His students and relatives still can’t believe he’s gone.

Kmetov died at the age of 60 in Spainwhere he lectured on international exchange.

“The formalities make it difficult for us to announce a date for the pilgrimage, we hope to get out of this additional nightmarish reality sooner,” wrote relatives of Kmetov.

“Veselin was the brightest, kind, smiling, intelligent person, always ready to help, explain, do something. He was a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. It is still difficult for us to talk about him in the past tense, because he remains a part of our loved ones, a part of our lives. Our loss is huge. It’s as if someone stole him from us,” the bereaved share their grief.

2023-05-03 16:54:00

#Dean #Paisiy #Hilendarski #died #suddenly

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