Five months before the legislative elections, the head of the LSAP list continues to come under fire from critics. After the AMDD and the Council of State, it is the turn of the CSV to attack the Minister of Health head-on.
The main opposition party stepped up to the plate on Tuesday to castigate the health policy led by Minister Paulette Lenert. The CSV more particularly reproaches him for a “socialist-dirigiste” policy, imposed from the top down, without leading a real dialogue with the actors of the sector. “We find ourselves in an impasse and it is once again the patient who risks paying the price”, proclaims the co-president Claude Wiseler.
His party has identified five reasons for finally pursuing another health policy. Minister Lenert would refuse to take initiatives, preferring to let the files “rot”. “First, there is no reaction from the minister. Then, she gives in to panic and writes bad legal texts, sloppy and without any consultation”, accuses Claude Wiseler, referring in particular to the ambulatory turn, attacked head-on by the Council of State. The CSV also denounces the dialogue of the deaf with the Association of doctors and dentists (AMMD) and the unions.
“The problem of access to medicine has not been brought under control in recent years. In addition, important developments have been missed. Next to the ambulatory shift, we must mention telemedicine and home hospitalization, ”lists Claude Wiseler.
The CSV is opposed to the obligation that decentralized practices offering, for example, MRI examinations must function as annexes of a hospital group.
2023-05-02 23:51:26
#Health #CSV #tackles #Minister #Lenert