The highly anticipated sequel, Deadpool 2, saw the formation of a proto X-Force team led by Wade Wilson, with the objective of saving Firefist from Cable. The team consisted of Domino, Bedlam, Zeitgeist, Vanisher, Shatterstar, and a regular human named Peter Wisdom. Unfortunately, only Zazie Beetz’s super-lucky Domino survived while the others were killed off in hilariously short order. However, fans of the franchise will be excited to know that Rob Delaney will reprise his role as X-Force member Peter, joining returning cast members such as Karan Soni (Dopinder), Leslie Uggams (Blind Al), and Stefan Kapicic (Colossus), along with franchise newcomers Emma Corrin and Matthew MacFadyen. The plot of Deadpool 3 remains a mystery, but we do know that Wade and Wolvie will find themselves trapped in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with rumors suggesting that Loki’s TVA, including Agent Mobius and Miss Minutes, will be involved. We can also expect Wade’s MCU debut to be far more integral to Phase 5 and beyond than previously thought. Directed by Shawn Levy, Deadpool 3 will hit theaters on September 6, 2024.
“Deadpool 3 Cast Updates: Peter Wisdom Returns Alongside Hugh Jackman and New Franchise Additions”
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