Home » Health » Improving Workforce Climate at Dolbeau-Mistassini Hospital: Collaboration between Unionized Employees and Local Leaders

Improving Workforce Climate at Dolbeau-Mistassini Hospital: Collaboration between Unionized Employees and Local Leaders

Repeated service interruptions at the Dolbeau-Mistassini hospital have regularly plagued elected officials over the years. Despite the challenges surrounding the workforce, the climate is improving, according to Mayor André Guy, who claims to see very mobilized workers at the MRC hospital center.

“Currently, there is really very good communication both internally and externally. Me, I feel that there is a very good mobilization surrounding our hospital center. Everyone is motivated to ensure the maintenance of our services and from what I know, the working climate is better,” said the mayor of Dolbeau-Mistassini.

Whether coming from the senior management of the CIUSSS du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, local leaders or even local care staff, André Guy believes that the will is there to do the best. As proof of this, he says, we should soon introduce self-management of nurses’ schedules for outpatient services.

“When we look at Alma Hospital, we see that things are going well and that their big strength is the self-managed schedules. Initially, it was to be established first in Chicoutimi, but the management of the CIUSSS decided that no, it would be done in Dolbeau-Mistassini. This will be a plus to make the conditions more attractive for the staff. »


The mayor, who remains in regular communication with the local management of the hospital, says he also feels that the unionized employees are putting their shoulder to the wheel more than ever.

“There is a good understanding on the part of the union members. I understand that everyone avoids working in silos by maintaining good communication. Among other things, there was a period when an intensive care resource was missing and we were able to keep them open thanks to a nurse from the Oasis. This was done on a voluntary basis and it must be emphasized. »

André Guy believes that this type of collaboration is promising for the future of the hospital centre, particularly in the current workforce context. This kind of openness can make the difference, he believes.


With the introduction of self-management of schedules and the construction of the new operating room, we are entitled to hope that the Dolbeau-Mistassini hospital will become more and more attractive for the workforce, estimates the first magistrate.

Moreover, according to the Electronic Tendering System (SEAO), the contract for the expansion of the Dolbeau-Mistassini hospital is awaiting conclusion. According to our information, the UNIBEC contractor would be the company selected.

2023-05-01 11:41:14
#DolbeauMistassini #hospital #notable #progress #Mayor #André #Guy #Nouvelles #Hebdo

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