The latest episode of Barry is a thrilling ride filled with the ominous sound of helicopters as the hitman at the center of everyone’s crises evades the police and hunts down a former friend. While Fuches remains loyal, he pays the price for his friendship with Barry by becoming a jailhouse martyr. Cousineau and Hank are both on edge, fearing Barry’s escape and the return of the Chechens. Meanwhile, Sally is focused on her acting career, but her betrayal of her pupil Kristen is nothing compared to Hank’s betrayal of his lover Cristobal. The tension builds as Cristobal is buried alive in sand, and in a heart-wrenching scene, Hank pleads with him to accept reality and join the Chechens. Ultimately, Cristobal walks out, sealing his fate with a brutal end that leaves Hank devastated. Barry is a masterful blend of action and emotion, showcasing the complexities of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of our choices.