Brown, yellow or green – which are the best bananas for weight loss? The answer and detailed explanations in the article.
The best bananas for weight loss should be low in sugar and high in resistant starch, which is important for digestion and helps keep you fuller for longer. On the other hand, the worst bananas for weight loss are those that almost lack this resistant starch and are high in sugar. Moreover, these bananas are almost devoid of vitamins and minerals.
Curious to know which are the best bananas for weight loss? Find out details below!
The worst bananas for weight loss – overripe, brown bananas
If you plan to lose a few more pounds, avoid very ripe bananas with brown spots. This is the sign that the resistant starch has turned into sugar, not at all indicated in the diet, even the one that comes from fruit, ie fructose and glucose.
A very ripe banana contains about 18 grams of sugar, as opposed to a ripe, yellow banana, which contains only 14 grams of sugar.
Another white ball of brown bananas is the low fiber content, important for a correct intestinal transit, but also for maintaining satiety and blood sugar: 1.9 grams, as opposed to 3 grams that a yellow banana has.
Last but not least, overripe bananas are not indicated because vitamins and minerals are almost missing.
If, however, you forgot about the bananas in the fruit basket and now they are completely brown and very soft, do not rush to throw them in the trash. You can use them in various recipes, such as banana bread, ice cream, pancakes, pudding or various smoothies perfect for breakfast.
Read also: The deficiencies that make us eat a lot of sweets. 4 vitamins and minerals that stop sugar cravings
A good but not great choice – ripe, yellow bananas
A properly ripe banana has a bright yellow color and no spots. This is the optimal time to consume them in general – but not necessarily on a diet -, because yellow bananas contain contain the highest levels of nutrients.
In addition, they are easy to digest and could stimulate the production of dopamine, which makes us feel better, more relaxed. It is not for nothing that it is recommended to eat a banana a few minutes before going to bed!
Also, ripe bananas are full of fiber, so important for the proper functioning of digestion, maintaining the health of the intestinal transit, but also for regulating the level of glucose in the blood.
Therefore, if you have problems with constipation or glycemic fluctuations, eating ripe bananas is more than welcome.
Also read: What happens if you eat a banana a day. Banana benefits
The best bananas for weight loss – green bananas, almost raw
The less ripe the bananas, the better for the figure! Green bananas contain much less sugar than very ripe ones and large amounts of resistant starch, which may have a beneficial role in regulating blood sugar while aiding in the weight loss process.
In addition, they contain the highest levels of fiber, so they will keep you hungry for a long time.
According to one study recently, the risk of cancer (stomach, esophagus, pancreatic, duodenum or gallbladder cancer) is 60% lower if you eat a raw banana daily.
Unlike ripe bananas, which have a very sweet taste and are recommended in case of constipation, green ones, on the contrary, can be beneficial for people who face diarrhea.
Also, the high starch content in green bananas can speed up metabolism and increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, helping patients with type 2 diabetes.
However, green bananas are harder to digest because of resistant starch and can cause stomach pain and constipation. To avoid this, do not eat more than one green banana per day or consume it in smoothies, along with other fruits and vegetables indicated in the weight loss cure.
Read also: 10 fruits and vegetables from May that help you lose weight
2023-04-29 10:15:53
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