Love Island finalist, Samie Elishi, has opened up on her recent cancer scare in an emotional video shared on her YouTube channel. Fans had spotted a lump on her neck, which doctors revealed to be grade 3 – unable to determine whether it is cancerous or not. Samie admitted she had not spoken publicly about her recent break-up with Tom Clare due to her health concerns. She tearfully discussed her upcoming surgery and expressed her gratitude for catching the cancer early. Fellow reality star, Demi Jones, was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer earlier this year. Symptoms of thyroid cancer include a lump in the front of the neck and slow, painless swelling. Samie went on to reveal that she had gone on Love Island for exposure, not love. The news of her split with Tom was first reported on Monday, with the couple breaking up due to their long distance and career focus.
Love Island’s Samie Elishi tearfully discusses recent cancer scare and break-up with beau Tom Clare on YouTube channel
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