For me personally, IT is a very marginal matter, naturally I can write a simple script, converter, powershell or sit down with an assembler, but add-ons are already more girly for me, and I pay a very skilled, willing and reliable company for IT management, which she’s been doing it for 17 years. I started on my own in 1997 and set up everything on Office, where even a normal user can use scripts and linkages to a state where the incoming delivery note can be assigned to a specific order with one click, adjust the stock material and transfer it to a specific person who applies for the order, or measurement of implemented projects deals with. That’s the strength, simple and gradually with growth came under its own roof Exchange, Sharepoint, MSSQL, ADDS server … from the dinosaur’s point of view, everything under its own roof and control. I have it tied to attendance, tokens, etc. It’s just been growing for 26 years and I don’t intend to change the working and proven ones. Until absolutely necessary. I know quite a few such smaller companies that have everything linked to Microsoft. Maybe it works with the xOffice ones, but the effort and money are not worth it, moreover, it requires someone who can do it. It’s not me, it’s not even the girls from the office, let alone the electrician guys. The question is, is it even worth it? In addition, the name is a bit too “Enterprise” than for a small company. I am primarily concerned with Solidworks Electrical and, as the name suggests, I deal with the design, production and long-term management of the solutions implemented by me – control, fire protection and monitoring control systems, and naturally also their ongoing management and all modifications that are entered into the library. Between us, assemblies (projects) are nowhere near perfectly compatible between CADs, let alone shared component libraries, etc. At this point it is practically impossible to change, because the whole chain would actually have to change. Yes, the development momentum is stalling, but it’s still a very elegant and simple solution that I understand and can do exactly what I need with it. I implement the mirrored disk array, backup, etc. myself. It is probably not necessary to remind you that I am a bit of a dinosaur, to this day I much prefer TCSH to BASH, after all, they taught us a little C/C++ at FEL and I want to have everything under my own roof, despite the higher costs – I don’t entrust control and company data to just anyone. especially when I also have plans for critical infrastructure (you only need to know where to kick/cut and you will disconnect the chemist from the fire protection system…). Maybe when they start to expire and it’s time to change, I’ll buy SLES or RHEL. Until then, I’ll stick with FreeBSD, which I understand.For example, I have never been able to link Linux with integrated security tools (I used to have everything from Dell, now from HP) and ADDS, so that elegant login (password + token), key management in TPM, or logging in field laptops, or battery monitoring units (Nexter, Socomec, Motorola, Hyundai) via VPN. Maybe I’ll buy licenses for SLES/RHEL sometime in the future, but for now I’ll stick with what works and right now it’s Windows 10 Pro with Windows Server 2018…
The opinion was modified 1x, the last time on 04/29/2023 00:12
2023-04-28 16:41:09
#Discussion #Windows #longer #functions #years #patches #death #await