Breaking the window and then starting the engine can be a matter of seconds for professional thieves. The technique may seem dated but it is certainly effective especially if the thieves can act undisturbed
Unfortunately it has happened to many of leave the car parked on the crosswalk or in an unattended area and can’t find it anymore. The sensation is very unpleasant and, in some cases, limiting for those who work honestly thanks to their four-wheeled friend.
I car thefts are always the order of the day and police forces warn people when they leave their car in a Unguarded parking e no security cameras. Having a sound alarm mounted on your car or the classic steering lock sometimes it may not be enough to avoid theft.
Let’s start by saying that there is no prevention without paying a minimum of attention to every detail. The place where we park, the lighting of the place, the constant presence or not of passers-by or other carscan certainly influence a car thief’s decision to desist or carry out the theft.
To be targeted by thieves, it is not necessary for a vehicle to be very expensive: very often, in fact, those who steal a car do so only to resell its components. The outlet markets for these vehicles are today mainly the resale on the national territory where he transport to other Eastern European countries for a new owner.
The “split”
Steal a car it is usually hard, tiring and rather risky work. The scheme recalls the development of the plot in Kubrick’s films: the action is slow and rather tiring at the beginning, then takes off in the final phase and flees without looking back.
Although modern cars are safe enough, it’s always good not to let your guard down. Apparently the era of crowbars and simple tools hasn’t quite gone away. Among the most tested techniques there is still that of glass breakingoften the rear window to avoid triggering any alarm.
It’s the classic way to steal a car which consists of “broken”. Crude method as much as you like, but effective: the driver’s side window is smashed and then the wires are connected in the classic way. It should also be warned that this brutal technique is mostly used not to steal the car, but to clean up the inside. So it will be good rule never leave anything in plain sight that can tickle the appetites of the usual unknowns.
2023-04-28 21:30:35
#Car #thefts #steal #seconds #safe