Russia carried out rocket attacks on several places in Ukraine on Friday morning. A woman and a three-year-old child were killed in an attack on the eastern city of Dnipro.
An apartment complex is on fire in the central city of Uman. Social media shows that the building is heavily damaged. At least three people were killed and eight injured in the attack.
In Kyiv, people were startled by multiple explosions. The air defense of the capital has shot down eleven cruise missiles and two drones, according to the authorities. It is unknown if there were any injuries. It is the first time in fifty days that Kyiv has been the target of Russian attacks.
Sirens sounded and bombings were heard all over the country. Several cities in the south and center of the country were hit, including Kremenchuk and Mykolaiv. It is not clear what exactly was hit and how much damage there is.
The attacks come on the heels of telephone calls between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Chinese President Xi Jinping. In it, Xi stressed that Beijing has always been in favor of peace and believes that a ceasefire should be reached as soon as possible. He also advocates for peace negotiations.
China wants to send a special envoy to Ukraine soon to talk about a solution “with all parties”. Xi had already visited Russia, but a conversation with Zelensky was delayed.
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2023-04-28 04:27:00
#Dead #injured #multiple #Russian #missile #attacks #Ukraine #War #Ukraine