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“Cantabria reports 36.5% increase in work accidents for self-employed in 2023”

Although there have been 35 more than the first two months of 2022, all have been slight


Cantabria has registered an increase of almost 36.5 percent in work accidents suffered by the self-employed in the first two months of the year compared to the same period in 2022, reaching 131, all of them minor, according to data provided by the Association of Self-Employed Workers (ATA) on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

These 131 accidents at work represent 35 more than those registered in the first two months of last year (96). On a positive note, there have been none serious or fatal. Of these, 125 were during the working day and 6 commuting.

In the first two months of 2023, 92,212 work accidents have been registered in Spain, both by the self-employed and by employees, a figure that is almost 2% higher than that registered in the same period of 2022, according to the latest data. Available from the Work Accident Statistics of the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy. In Cantabria there were 1,173.

Of the 92,212 work accidents registered in Spain up to February, 5,163 were self-employed and 87,049 salaried workers. ATA has indicated that the vast majority of work accidents with loss of self-employed workers occurred during the work day (4,866) and only 297 were in itinere, which are accidents that occur when going to or returning from the place of work.

Of the total work accidents suffered by the self-employed, 14 were fatal. The total number of occupational accidents that resulted in fatalities occurred during the working day and were suffered by men. The rest of the accidents suffered by self-employed workers were 99 serious and 4,753 minor.

For the general secretary of ATA and head of the occupational risk prevention area, José Luis Perea, “the accident rate figures are not good and show that being self-employed is a risky profession, both from an economic point of view and from the point of view of occupational health.

“We hope that the Occupational Health and Safety Strategy that we have recently signed with the Government is not a dead letter, but that it is consolidated and transformed into concrete measures for our collective, because it is something that has been lacking for many years now, since the public administrations have abandoned us from the point of view of promoting a culture of prevention”, he added.

On the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, ATA has described as “essential a greater effort from all to train and inform the self-employed in order to implement a preventive culture that protects us from occupational hazards” . “At ATA we are committed to working hard so that self-employed workers know that prevention is their most precious asset”, he indicated.

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