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“Pope Francis to Make Pastoral Visit to Hungary: Archbishop Emphasizes Good Relations Between Hungary and the Holy See”

The Pope will be in Hungary at the end of April for a pastoral visit. Archbishop Barnack, the nuncio of the nuncio to the country, told this news network about the expectations of the faithful and emphasized the good relations that exist between Hungary and the Holy See.

(Vatican News Network)Pope Francis will visit Hungary from April 28 to 30. On the eve of the visit, this news network interviewed Archbishop Michael Banach, the nuncio of the Holy See to Hungary.

Archbishop Barnack first spoke of the two visits of Pope John Paul II to Hungary and the two visits of Pope Francis to the country. “Many Catholics talk about these things with pride, how the country has hosted the two visits of the two popes. For this, there is great excitement among the Hungarian people,” he said. The archbishop pointed out that the country that Pope Francis visited today has undoubtedly changed compared to 30 years ago. “Thanks to economic reforms, Hungary has become more developed. However, there is one unchanging fact: the pope will be greeted by a group that is proud of believing in Catholicism and in communion with the Pope.”

Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the Hungarian people have continued to help Ukrainian refugees. Archbishop Banak said: “In Hungary, the Church has made a great contribution to the reception of Ukrainian refugees. Caritas, diocesan personnel are present at borders, at train stations and everywhere in order to respond to the daily needs of these people, From food to blankets, etc. It is good to witness all this, but we should not be surprised, because this is the tradition of the Hungarian Church. I think of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, the great saint of charity. Acceptance, charity have always In the heart of the Hungarian people”.

Archbishop Barnack also mentioned the relationship between Hungary and the Holy See. He said, “We talk about this relationship, in a sense, can be traced back to Saint Stephen, the first Christian king of Hungary, who accepted Christianity and dedicated his country to the Virgin Mary. Since that moment Since then, the concepts and ideas of Christianity have entered the blood of the Hungarian people, and have also entered many legal documents including the Constitution.”

Archbishop Barnack referred to his predecessor, Archbishop Angelo Rotta, who was nuncio to Hungary from 1930 to 1945. During the Second World War, “he was known as the ‘Righteous Man of the Nations’ for his great contribution to the rescue of many Jews. He is still vividly remembered and this is another link between the Holy See and Hungary. The Holy See and The two visits to the country by Pope John Paul II after the restoration of diplomatic relations with Hungary, and now by Pope Francis, testify to the existing good diplomatic relations “.

In conclusion, Archbishop Banak said that the Hungarian Church is committed to protecting creation. Catholic schools are also promoting the encyclical Laudato si.

Link URL: www.vaticannews.cn

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2023-04-27 11:54:15

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