A Norwegian woman was found dead in a freezer near Årjäng in Sweden in March. A Norwegian man previously convicted of rape has been charged with murder. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB
The seas
27. apr. 2023 15:55 – Updated Apr 27 2023 15:55
The public prosecutor’s office confirms that the woman who was found dead in a freezer in Värmland in Sweden has been identified as the accused Norwegian’s cohabitant.
The remand for the 56-year-old man expires on Friday, and prosecutor Linda Karlsson informs the newspaper New Wermlands-Tidningen that she will ask that it be extended by two weeks.
The man is charged with desecration of a corpse and suspected of murder. He has admitted desecration, but denies murder.
The 56-year-old was arrested on 16 March after the police found a dead Norwegian woman in the freezer in the man’s home in Årjäng in Värmland in Sweden. The woman had then been dead for several years. According to Aftonbladet, she must have died in 2015.
The Norwegian has previously been convicted in Norway of violence, crimes of immorality and several cases of drink-driving. According to several media, he has also been convicted in Sweden.
2023-04-27 13:55:17
#woman #freezer #case #Sweden #identified