The bus ticket in Belo Horizonte should remain more expensive, at least, for the next few weeks. This Tuesday (4/25), the mayor of Belo Horizonte (CMBH), Gabriel Azevedo (without party), and the mayor of the capital, Fuad Noman (PSD), met to discuss the issue and the councilor presented a series of proposals to be included in the Bill of Law (PL) sent by the City Hall to the Chamber. At the same time, a draft resolution is running in the Legislature to stop the readjustment. Both political paths that may lead to a reduction in the amount charged in collectives, however, must still follow rites expected to be completed only in the first weeks of May.
Among the proposals is the determination that the main tariff will return to R$ 4.50 after the approval of the PL, an indication that was not foreseen in the original text of the project. In addition, the substitute determines that the subsidy be cut from companies that provide trips without air conditioning and basic maintenance and cleaning conditions.
The final price of tickets after the possible approval of the PL is still treated as uncertain by the mayor, who said in an interview after the meeting that the fare value is inversely proportional to the figures passed on to companies. “The subsidy is a complement to the ticket and the payment per kilometer driven, which is the new model that is in the law. It’s an account, the higher the ticket, the lower the subsidy and vice versa. We reached the limit, that the ticket at R$ 6 is very expensive, I would never have liked to have made that agreement”, said Fuad, who reiterated that the fare value will drop if the project is approved.
The amendment also brings the counterparts presented by councilors on April 5, when the City Hall bill was sent to the Chamber. Proposals include zero tariffs for residents of villas and favelas; the full free student pass; free pass for people with disabilities; integration system between transport and health services; and transport assistance for people in social vulnerability.
Last Wednesday, when the announcement of the 33.3% increase in the ticket was made, the city hall said that the delay of the Chamber in appreciating the PL 538/2023 was a factor taken into account for the readjustment, since the companies could not afford the operating costs. The duration of the tariff at R$ 6 was related to the vote on the project.
In addition to waiting for a positive signal from Fuad and with any reservations to be discussed, the substitute for PL 538/2023 must still go through the entire standard procedure at the City Council, as explained by the president of the house. Still according to Gabriel Azevedo, the forecast is that the project will be sent for sanction by the mayor in May.
“I still have a commitment with the people who are taking to the streets today, especially the social movements, to hold a public hearing at the City Council. Because here are the considerations of the Chamber and it is important to listen to society because from time to time there may be positive suggestions for amendments to the project. Once the public hearing is over, it will go to the plenary vote in the first round, as there will be amendments it will be processed again in the commissions, and then we will go to the second round”, said Gabriel, citing protests scheduled for early Tuesday night, in the center of the capital. .
Chamber Proposals
The document delivered to the mayor this Tuesday has seven central points that will be analyzed by the Executive and will have a final opinion announced tomorrow. The first of them is to require concessionaires to create a schedule for the progressive growth of at least 10% of trips. Companies must also establish a plan for the replacement of 240 buses that have already exceeded the maximum circulation age and the addition of 180 new vehicles.
To the Executive, the text requests the presentation of mechanisms to boost revenues from advertising on buses; submit monthly balance sheets on the performance of the service provided; create a mobility application project to facilitate payment and use of collectives. The last request made to the mayor is that he accept the replacement presented by Gabriel.
Draft Resolution
While mayor and mayor articulate a better understanding between the powers on the PL of the subsidy, a Resolution Project (PRE) is being processed in the Legislative to immediately stop the increase in fares.
“That’s why I think the Resolution Project is also important because it can overturn the passage earlier. It’s like I say: entrepreneurs won’t die if the ticket immediately goes back to R$ 4.50. And, if the service is really bad, drop the bone, because there are people wanting to provide quality service too”, said Azevedo when talking about the concomitant possibility of the PL.
Now, a special commission formed by five councilors must be formed in five working days. The group of parliamentarians must produce an opinion, which will be taken to vote in plenary. If you get 21 favorable votes, the project becomes effective immediately, returning the ticket to R$ 4.50. The forecast is that the whole process will only be finalized in the second week of May.
contract annulment
The rite continues to be processed in the Chamber and Gabriel Azevedo said that the substitute text of PL 538/2023 provides for the reformulation of the contract. The councilor also stated that there was a delay in defining a new agreement with the concessionaires before March of this year, when the period for payment of the first subsidy amounts approved in the city ended.
Fuad, in turn, did not oppose the new contract, but said that the measure cannot be taken immediately. “We’re going to make a new bid, but we can’t just come in now and say that the contract is over. Rio de Janeiro did this, but for 240 buses that were from MOVE, we have 2,400. I cannot replace 2,400 in the same day”, said the mayor.
2023-04-25 22:47:00
#Ticket #price #Fuad #responds #Wednesday #Politics #Estado #Minas