Home » Entertainment » “The Beauty Secret of Orietta Berti: Her Stunning Wigs Collection”

“The Beauty Secret of Orietta Berti: Her Stunning Wigs Collection”

Orietta Berti – solospettacolo.it (web source)

Check out Orietta Berti’s exclusive throwback photo: Without the usual wig, the singer looks amazing.

The Nightingale of Cavriago has recently impressed a turning point in his careergaining the status of columnist in Alfonso Signorini’s reality show.

The conductor would have courted her for a long time, before receiving a positive response from the singer; The pharaonic cachet agreed with the production of the program would have finally dissolved Orietta Berti’s reservations, bringing her character back into vogue in the prime time of Canale 5.

Equipped with a true sense of humor and a courteous, but at the same time biting temperament, Orietta Berti brought added value to the show, restoring the charm of good manners and decorum in a format with high trashy potential.

The public welcomed his presence alongside Sonia Bruganelli, commenting on her most iconic looks and live gags. Marked make-up, and colorful and scenic suits, the singer always looks flawless during his studio sessions, starting from the short and well-groomed hair. Her beauty secret, as candidly admitted by Orietta herself, is ithe frequent use of perfectly styled wigs: here is the reason for this preference…

Orietta Berti and the admission on wigs

The Emilian singer recently reported that she owns numerous wigs: he would have collected nearly a hundred of themand many of them would be kept in America, in Los Angeles.

Although stationed in her homeland, the Nightingale of Cavriago would be passionate about travel, and would frequently go to her home in the States, obviously accompanied by her historic husband Osvaldo Paterlini. For the rest, the couple usually stays in the luxurious Emilian villa they own, and looks after 9 cats and 2 dogs: the pets can roam around in complete tranquility in the immense garden decorated with sculptures and classical architectural elements. Environmental lover, Orietta Berti said: “It is an enchanted landscape. Nature is wonderful, and the emotions it transmits are vital for each of us. It must be respected, because the health of our land is our health“. Similarly, Orietta Berti also protects the health of her hair: the singer would resort to wigs in order to always appear in order in front of the flashes of the photographersand thus avoiding exhausting treatments and styling for your locks!

Orietta Berti – solospettacolo.it (web source)

Orietta Berti’s look

As shown in the period photo, Orietta Berti has maintained a short and jaunty cut over the years, also maintaining a tawny and bright huenow his trademark.

In the past, the singer played with blond and toning streaks on orange colours, without however revolutionizing its canonical aspect. The wigs therefore represent an element of continuity for the well-known interpreter, as well as an invaluable comfort: who knows if, in her sample collection, there are even more daring ones, compared to the airy and slightly retro cut with which she made herself known to the Italian public!

2023-04-25 09:15:45
#Orietta #Berti #unique #rare #photo #wig #appears #Solospettacolo.it

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