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“Enjoy Spectacular Apple Music Lyrics Display on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Mac with This Trick”

Apple Music lyrics display feature is available on iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and also on Mac. The lyrics scroll to the rhythm of the song in the Music application of course, just click on the little “lyrics” icon at the top right of the window. But there is another even more spectacular way to enjoy it!

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In a not at all intuitive way, you have to go through the mini Music player, which is activated by clicking on the cover of the small player (at the top center of the software bar). Once the window has been reduced to its simplest expression, click on the green button: the cover will then be displayed in large format, with the lyrics scrolling on the side. It’s pretty much the same interface as the Apple TV.

Normally, the lyrics should appear automatically, but if this is not the case you can always click on the appropriate icon (of course, the song must be Apple Music Sing compatible). To return to the desktop, press the key ESC or move the mouse cursor up to see the buttons appear.

2023-04-24 18:16:35
#View #Full #Screen #Apple #Music #Lyrics #Mac

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