Brittle bones can cause seemingly unusual signs, which can be seen on the fingernails or even in the mouth. It is very important to take action if you have fragile, demineralized bones, because you are at a major risk of osteoporosis. This disease can be controlled with drugs that reduce bone loss and thereby the risk of fractures.
As we age, bones lose their density and can fracture more easily. Especially if I led a sedentary life, smoked and had an unbalanced diet!
Fortunately, there are a few early signs of brittle bones. If you pay them due attention, go to the doctor and follow his recommendations, osteoporosis can be prevented or at least delayed in its evolution.
Early signs that you have brittle bones
- Back and neck pain
Bone fragility can be to blame for cervical, lumbar or hip pain, especially at night. These are often blamed on bad posture at the desk or sitting for long periods of time. But such pains, especially in the case of women over 50 years of age, can be the alarm signal that the bones are losing their mineral density.
- Nails that break easily
Bone demineralization can also manifest itself in the nails, which become brittle, fragile and break much more easily.
- Deformation of the spine
Another sign of brittle bones is back bending, deformed, stooped posture. In advanced cases, even a decrease in height can be observed due to the collapse of the vertebrae or pain caused by micro-fractures in the sternum following simple gestures such as sneezing or coughing.
Decreased bone mineral density predisposes bones to become brittle and break easily!
Gum recession is also a sign of bone loss. Gingival recession is the process by which the gingival tissue moves away from the tooth, exposing its root and forming “pockets” or voids in which disease-causing bacteria accumulate.
- Decreases grip and grip strength
Brittle bones, arthritis, or muscle wasting can cause low grip strength in the hands, which can affect daily activities. If you experience a sudden loss of hand strength and numbness, contact your doctor as soon as possible, because they may be symptoms of diabetes, hypertension or even a heart attack.
Calcium and vitamin D keep bones strong
Very important in the prevention of osteoporosis is the correct intake of calcium and vitamin D.
Foods rich in calcium are milk and dairy products, tofu, fish, fruit juices, but also green vegetables such as spinach, peas, pumpkins, leeks, broccoli, cucumbers, etc.
However, pay attention to the excess of salt and caffeine! Very salty foods, black tea, coffee can reduce the body’s ability to assimilate calcium.
Calcium does not act alone, but needs “supporters” to get to where it is needed, especially vitamin D3. It is important to state that vitamin D3 cannot be synthesized through food, but only through exposure to the sun for 10-15 minutes or through food supplements.
For strong bones, it is not enough to eat according to the book, but a balance is needed on all levels.
Daily exercise, avoiding harmful habits (smoking, excess alcohol) and proper rest are other elements that contribute to maintaining optimal parameters of the bone system. Walking, moderate jogging, dancing, tennis, stair climbing, aerobics, stretching and yoga are indicated both to prevent osteoporosis and to maintain body weight, regain energy and an excellent mental state.
2023-04-24 17:14:27
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