Guest in the studios of Sky Sport, Fabio Tavelli took stock of Juventus’ judicial proceedings: “During the week, the Guarantee Commission annulled the -15 sentence and it was an annulment with postponement because it did not consider the reasons given satisfactory. We recall that Chinè had asked for 9 points and Juve had been penalized 15 points. The Federal Court of Appeal will have to re-issue this sentence but what happens at this point? In a fortnight the reasons will arrive from the College, we will go back to the Federal Court of Appeal which will issue a new sentence and Juve will still be able to appeal to the Guarantee College and nobody has said this.
On the second line of salaries, Juventus can produce defense briefs by 17 April and decide to defend themselves or propose a settlement, but the first sentence goes on its own business. Juve can ask for a plea bargain before the referral which will arrive, if it arrives, in the first week of May and can request half of the expected penalty, otherwise after the referral and could only request a discount of a third of the sentence. By proposing the settlement, however, he should disavow the line of the company which has always claimed to have acted in the right, but if he settles the settlement before the referral of more than half of the sentence, the agreement would not pass from the Court of Sport but from the president of the Football Federation. This advice must be given by the pull of Juve’s defenses which does not yet know the reasons for the Guarantee College, the plea bargain cannot be applied only in the event of a repeat offense. But this would close everything before the end of the championship.”
2023-04-23 21:59:40
#Tavelli #Court #Appeal #issues #sentence #Juve #appeal #terms #salaries #plea #deal #leads