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The Importance of Vitamin D and how to Avoid Deficiency

The doctor explained why a deficiency of the “sunshine” vitamin can cause serious illness and how to avoid it.

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According to statistics, every fourth Russian is faced with a lack of “solar” vitamin. And this deficiency can cause serious changes in health. For example, American scientists have already proven that a lack of vitamin D in children leads to abnormal development of their skeleton and bones.

There are equally serious consequences in adults. In particular, due to the deficiency of the “solar” vitamin, fatigue increases, skin pallor, and immunity decreases.

As the therapist said Oleg Perkushinother diseases can develop due to a lack of vitamin D: vascular atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, obesity, type 1 diabetes mellitus, impaired memory and attention, as well as cancer of internal organs (liver, kidney, prostate, etc.).

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

As the therapist Perkushin noted, with a significant deficiency of vitamin D in a person, the condition of the bones worsens: they seem to soften and become prone to fractures even with minor injuries and bruises.

Deficiency can also be suspected by other signs:

  • often hurt, twist bones and joints

  • muscles aching a lot

  • mild tingling in arms and legs

  • gait changes: from the side it seems that the person began to waddle

  • there is a burning sensation on the tongue and lips;

  • frequent dizziness.

How to make up the deficit

The doctor advises every person to be outside more often in sunny weather. Since vitamin D is perfectly synthesized, the rays penetrate the body through the skin, allowing it to be absorbed.

Adjusting the menu will also help: add more eggs, liver, sea fish and butter to the diet. They contain essential vitamins. True, it is not absorbed so well. Therefore, the best prevention of the disease is frequent walks in the fresh air on a sunny day.

2023-04-23 12:17:12

#signs #vitamin #deficiency #body

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