If you’re one of the 60% of women who have experienced a urinary tract infection (UTI), you’re not alone. These infections lead to over a million emergency room visits and $2 billion in medical costs each year. While UTIs are usually caused by common strains of E. coli bacteria, some researchers believe that the meat supply could be to blame for certain illnesses. This is due to the fact that farm animals, just like humans, have E. coli bacteria in their guts. When these animals are slaughtered, the bacteria can contaminate raw meat, which can then contaminate kitchen surfaces during cooking. A recent study has estimated that as many as 640,000 infections each year could be caused by foodborne E. coli strains from animals.
Thankfully, antibiotics can usually treat UTIs. However, multi-drug resistance to antibiotic treatment is becoming a growing concern. Researchers are working to identify which strains of E. coli cause infections and where they come from. They collected samples of raw meat from various sources in Flagstaff, Arizona, to test if there was an overlap between E. coli strains in the meat supply and those that could cause people to be sick. They also collected urine samples from patients with UTIs who were hospitalized. The researchers found that about 8% of UTIs observed in Flagstaff could be traced back to bacteria from meat. This implies that dangerous strains of E. coli are making their way from food animals to people through the food supply, according to Lance Price, a professor at George Washington University Milken School of Public Health.
Moving forward, researchers plan to continue tracing the connection between the food supply and UTIs to identify new prevention strategies. Farmers may be able to eliminate problematic strains by developing customized autogenous vaccines. However, individuals can help prevent UTIs from happening by staying hydrated and practicing good kitchen hygiene. This includes cleaning utensils and kitchen surfaces that have come into contact with raw meat. By staying informed about the dangers of UTIs, individuals can take steps to protect themselves and their loved ones from this common and often painful infection.